The LWV Columbia-Boone County (MO) (90 years old) proposes that the LWVUS 2010 National Convention adopt a study on the establishment of a cabinet level Department of Peace.
Jan. '10
Key Points
A Cabinet level Department of Peace would:
1. Help communities reduce domestic violence and violence in schools by evaluating and disseminating model programs and awarding grants.
2. Advocate a proactive approach to preventing the eruption of conflict internationally by addressing the causes of conflict before violent conflict has arisen. This would include considerations of arms control and international cooperation for conflict management.
3. Place a strong advocate for violence reduction and peaceful conflict resolution within the Cabinet so that these approaches are being advocated during the earliest high level discussions of problems.
4. Create a Peace Academy similar the military academies where, after graduation, graduates will serve for five years either within the U.S or internationally in pre/post conflict situations.
5. Consolidate and expand some of the existing programs within the federal government which address small pieces of the problems.
The League has a number of national positions that relate to this topic but none that elevate it to a level where it can receive the attention it deserves.