The League of Women Voters is a non-partisan political organization that encourages the informed and active participation of citizens in government.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Supreme Court decision

January 29, 2010

LWVNJ eVoter

Supreme Court Decision Endorses Corporate Manipulation of Election Outcomes...Anne Maiese, LWVNJ President

The recent US Supreme Court decision in Citizens United V. Federal Election Commission is a crushing blow to representative democracy. The League of Women Voters of New Jersey works to advance the principal that people - not corporations - have the right and duty to participate in their government by speaking up, asking questions and voting. People also have the right and duty to hold elected officials accountable for their actions.

The Supreme Court seems to disagree. The tragic decision to declare corporations "persons" with free speech rights allows corporations to pour massive amounts of money into endorsing or opposing candidates and gives special interests, lobbyists, and big money a tighter grip on democracy. The Supreme Court has made it legal, and easier, for corporations to bribe candidates, and has taken significant power away from voters.

Few citizens have the means to buy ad time, but we can and must push back....

April 10, 2010

Local leagues will present their research reports on 6 different alternative energy options - solar, biomass, geothermal, wind, wave and nuclear. A keynote speaker and expert panelists will follow these reports, speaking on other forms of energy not covered by our local Leagues. Location to be announced.

Order the 2010 New Jersey Citizens Guide to Government
Don't miss your chance to own the 2010 New Jersey Citizens Guide to Government.

The Guide includes:
* 2010 Important Election Dates
* Contact information, including phone numbers, addresses, and emails of state and federal elected officials
* New Jersey cabinet members and contact information
* Tips on communicating with elected officials
* Civic information, including information on applying for a
"mail-in ballot", registering to vote, changing your party affiliation, and government procedures

Print out this order form and mail it with your check made out to LWVNJEF to 204 West State Street, Trenton, NJ 08608.

Purchase League Gear Online

The League of Women Voters of NJ | 204 West State Street | Trenton | NJ | 08608